Hope starts a better day

Each day when we wake, we make a choice.

Do we first engage online social media platforms that are designed to draw us into concern, worry, paranoia, anger, even obsessive hateful thoughts?

Or do we look outside at the remarkable world God has created, thanking Him for another day of life, and turn our hearts towards expectancy and even a joy “that passes understanding”?

I fully realize that severe depression steals this choice from many; some very close to me. The choice here is often about seeking and getting the help necessary to survive day-to-day. Still there is a decision made and a truly heroic one as well: “I will embrace my life as it is this day and refuse to withdraw from those who love me.”

Life is not about choosing to be a “good” person or a “bad” person, we all are both. How we start our day can make a significant difference to how our day unfolds. Perspective is so often about attitude and decision. Choose today whom you will serve: worry or hope?

Hope is better. Attitudes matters. Think on those things that are excellent. And start early in the day.

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